It is the improper functioning of the vein valves in your legs. Normally, the vein valves keep blood moving back to the heart. When Chronic Venous Insufficiency is present, it slows down the blood flow and raises the pressure. This causes vessels and capillaries to burst and ‘pool’ or collect in the leg veins, producing a reddish-brown color. Lifestyle changes and compression therapy are recommended for treatment. If the condition is untreated or gets worse, venous ulcers and wounds may occur.
Venous ulcers are when skin breaks open and sores form on your leg’s surface.
These are serious and are often difficult to heal, especially for diabetics and those with circulation and vascular issues.
Symptoms of CVI: aching/tired legs and/or a burning, pins and needles sensation, swelling, pain, discoloration and/or flaking, itchy skin on legs and ankles, ulcers/wounds, leathery-looking skin, varicose veins.
Risk Factors: cardiac conditions, heredity, DVT, Obesity, Peripheral Artery Disease, Pregnancy, Sitting or standing for long periods, Age (over 50), Poor Circulation.
The above conditions are difficult to heal, potentially very serious, and can lead to many serious health problems if not treated. An estimated 40 percent of people in the United States have Lymphedema and/or CVI. If the patient’s current treatment, which includes elevation of legs, exercise, and compression stockings, is no longer effective or is not an option, there is another remedy. Our Pneumatic Compression Pump with sequential, gradient pressure, helps eliminate stagnant fluid from the affected area. This reduces swelling and pain and promotes circulation. Decreasing swelling and stimulating circulation are the cornerstones of healing Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Lymphedema.
Visit our Compression Pumps page for more information.